#LifeAtBangkit Perjalanan 20 Minggu di Bangkit Academy 2023 – Cloud Computing Learning Path
Perjalanan 20 Minggu di Bangkit Academy 2023 – Cloud Computing Learning Path, itulah judul yang saya gunakan pada tulisan kali ini. Tulisan ini merupakan lanjutan dari tulisan sebelumnya yang berjudul, “Pengalaman 4 Minggu di Bangkit Academy 2023 – Cloud Computing”.
Secara teknis pola tulisan tidak jauh berbeda dengan tulisan sebelumnya, yaitu berupa logbook (mingguan dengan detail aktivitas harian). Dimana pada logbook ini mencatat apa yang saya lakukan setiap hari lalu dirangkum dalam aktivitas mingguan. Nah, dalam tulisan kali ini periode logbook sampai dengan tanggal 30 Juni 2023 (Minggu ke-20).
20 Minggu di Bangkit Academy 2023 – Cloud Computing Learning Path
Minggu ke-5 (13 – 17 Maret 2023)
Minggu ini, saya memiliki beberapa kegiatan yang signifikan dalam perjalanan pembelajaran saya. Pada Senin, 13 Maret 2023, saya mengikuti agenda “[Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 H1 – Student Team Meeting 1” untuk semua anggota Bangkit 2023 H1 Cohort. Sesi ini mencakup pembaruan pencapaian, Akses Dasbor Siswa, Standar Grading, Sistem Hadiah Bangkit, dan QA. Sesi tersebut disiarkan langsung melalui saluran YouTube Bangkit Academy. Selain itu, saya berhasil menyelesaikan kelas Belajar Dasar Pemrograman JavaScript di platform Dicoding dan mendapatkan sertifikat kelulusan.
Pada hari Selasa, 14 Maret 2023, saya melanjutkan kegiatan studi mandiri di platform Dicoding dengan mengikuti kelas Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula dengan Google Cloud. Saya berhasil menyelesaikan beberapa modul materi, seperti pengenalan Back-End, Dasar-Dasar Node.js untuk Back-End, dan Membangun Web Service Menggunakan Node.js.
Kemudian, pada hari Rabu, 15 Maret 2023, saya mengikuti sesi ILT-CC-02-AW JavaScript for Server-Side Development melalui platform Google Meet. Sesi ini dipimpin oleh instruktur kami, Bapak Wahyu Krisna Aji. Selain itu, saya melanjutkan kegiatan studi mandiri di platform Dicoding dengan menyelesaikan modul lanjutan di kelas Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula dengan Google Cloud, termasuk materi tentang penggunaan Google Compute Engine dan menjalankan RESTful API di Compute Engine instance.
Pada hari Kamis, 16 Maret 2023, saya melanjutkan kegiatan studi mandiri di kelas “Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula dengan Google Cloud” di platform Dicoding. Saya berhasil menyelesaikan beberapa modul lanjutan, termasuk penggunaan Postman untuk mengonsumsi dan menguji RESTful API.
Terakhir, pada hari Jumat, 17 Maret 2023, saya menghadiri “Weekly Consultation – 4” yang dipimpin oleh Mentor kami, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya. Saya juga mengerjakan tugas proyek akhir berupa praktik pembuatan Back-End aplikasi catatan dalam bentuk Bookshelf API di kelas “Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula dengan Google Cloud” di platform Dicoding. Saya berhasil menyelesaikan tugas tersebut dan memperoleh sertifikat kelulusan.
Dalam minggu ini, saya berhasil mengikuti beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran yang bermanfaat dan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Saya semakin memperluas pengetahuan dan keterampilan saya dalam pemrograman dan pengembangan aplikasi web.
Kegiatan harian pada Minggu ke-5 (13 – 17 Maret 2023)
Senin, 13 Maret 2023
Menghadiri agenda kegiatan “[Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 H1 – Student Team Meeting 1”. Sesi ini sesi wajib bagi semua “Bangkit 2023 H1 Cohort”. Agenda pertemuan mencakup pembaruan pencapaian, akses dasbor siswa, standar grading, sistem reward Bangkit, dan QA. Sesi ini diselenggarakan dan disiarkan langsung di Saluran Youtube Bangkit Academy. Selain itu, pada hari ini juga saya menyelesaikan kelas “Belajar Dasar Pemrograman JavaScript” di platform Dicoding Academy dan mendapatkan sertifikat kelulusan dari kelas tersebut.

Selasa, 14 Maret 2023
Menyelesaikan beberapa modul pembelajaran pada kelas “Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula dengan Google Cloud” pada platform Dicoding Academy. Modul-modul pada kelas ini membahas pengantar dasar-dasar back-end, node.js untuk back-end, dan membangun layanan web menggunakan node.js.
Rabu, 15 Maret 2023
Menghadiri dan mengikuti sesi “ILT-CC-02-AW JavaScript for Server-Side Development”. Sesi ini dipimpin oleh instruktur kami, Mr. Wahyu Krisna Aji, melalui platform Google Meet. Saya mendapatkan wawasan tentang JavaScript untuk pengembangan sisi server. Adapun progress kegiatan studi mandiri di platform Dicoding, saya berhasil menyelesaikan beberapa modul lanjutan di kelas Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula dengan Google Cloud, khusunya materi Deploy Web Services : Mengenal dan menggunakan Google Compute Engine, mengoperasikan Compute Engine instance melalui SSH, hingga menjalankan RESTful API di Compute Engine instance.
Kamis, 16 Maret 2023
Melanjutkan kegiatan belajar mandiri di kelas “Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula dengan Google Cloud”. Saya menyelesaikan beberapa modul lanjutan, khusunya pada materi “Mengkonsumsi dan Menguji RESTful API Menggunakan Postman”. Mengonsumsi RESTful API untuk tujuan pengujian dan menuliskan skenario uji otomatis menggunakan Postman.
Jum’at, 17 Maret 2023
Menghadiri dan berpartisipasi dalam sesi “Konsultasi Mingguan ke-4” yang dipimpin oleh mentor kami, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya. Selama konsultasi, saya mendapatkan wawasan untuk memaksimalkan profil LinkedIn saya untuk membangun portofolio saya. Selain itu, saya mengerjakan tugas proyek akhir saya yaitu membuat Back-End dari aplikasi catatan yang memiliki fungsi Create, Read, Update, dan Delete di platform Dicoding, pada kelas “Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula dengan Google Cloud”. Saya berhasil menyelesaikan tugas akhir pada kelas tersebut dan memperoleh sertifikat kelulusan pada kelas “Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula dengan Google Cloud”.
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Sesi Konsultasi Mingguan ke-4 Kelas CC-63 |
Minggu ke-6 (20 – 24 Maret 2023)
Kegiatan minggu ini cukup ketat karena saya berpartisipasi dalam berbagai kegiatan belajar. Saya menghadiri sesi wajib “ILT-EN-01-057 Spoken Correspondence” bersama Mr. Glenn Kotze, di mana saya belajar bagaimana berkomunikasi secara efektif dalam konteks panggilan telepon bisnis. Selain itu, saya menghabiskan sekitar 8 jam di platform Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) untuk mempelajari materi “Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation” dengan fokus pada mesin komputasi. Saya belajar cara berinteraksi dengan Google Cloud Console dan Cloud Shell, bagaimana menerapkan solusi Google Cloud Marketplace, mengkonfigurasi jaringan VPC, dan membuat instance VM menggunakan Compute Engine.
Saya juga menghadiri sesi “ILT-SS-03-CL Critical Thinking and Problem Solving”, yang dipimpin oleh instruktur kami Edwin Adisasmita Indriantoro (Manajer Produk-Platform Traveloka). Sesi ini berfokus pada pentingnya Critical Thinking sebagai dasarProblem Solving yang efektif. Saya belajar bagaimana mendefinisikan pernyataan masalah dan akar penyebab menggunakan alat dan kerangka kerja.
Selanjutnya saya kembali ke GCSB untuk memahami materi-materi terkait Associate Cloud Engineer. Kursus ini membantu saya menyusun persiapan saya untuk ujian sertifikasi Associate Cloud Engineer.
Kegiatan harian pada Minggu ke-6 (20 – 24 Maret 2023)
Senin, 20 Maret 2023
mengikuti kegiatan ILT-EN-01-057 Spoken Correspondence melalui platform Google Meet. Sesi ini merupakan sesi wajib, yaitu sesi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Saya mendapatkan pemahaman tentang cara melakukan percakapan telepon bisnis secara efektif. Sesi ini dipimpin oleh Instruktur Bahasa Inggris kami, yaitu Mr. Glenn Kotze. Selain itu, saya juga melaksanakan kegiatan studi mandiri di platform Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) selama kurang lebih 8 jam dengan materi “Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation”. Saya belajar cara berinteraksi dengan Google Cloud Console dan Cloud Shell, menggunakan menggunakan Google Cloud Marketplace, mengimplementasikan jaringan VPC dan aturan firewall, dan membuat dan menyesuaikan instance VM menggunakan Compute Engine.
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ILT-EN-01-057 Spoken Correspondence |
Selasa, 21 Maret 2023
Hari ini, saya menghadiri sesi “ILT-SS-03-CL Critical Thinking and Problem Solving” yang dipimpin oleh instruktur kami, Kak Edwin Adisasmita Indriantoro, yang merupakan Manajer Produk-Platform di Traveloka. Selama sesi, saya belajar tentang pentingnya pemikiran kritis sebagai dasar pemecahan masalah yang efektif. Selain itu, saya mendapatkan pemahaman tentang cara menggunakan alat dan kerangka kerja untuk mendefinisikan pernyataan masalah dan akar penyebab. Secara keseluruhan, itu adalah sesi berharga yang membantu saya meningkatkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah saya.
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ILT-SS-03-CL Critical Thinking and Problem Solving |
Rabu, 22 Maret 2023
Hari ini, saya menghabiskan lebih dari 8 jam untuk belajar mandiri menggunakan platform Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB), dengan fokus pada kursus “Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation” course. Saya mempelajari berbagai layanan infrastruktur dan platform yang disediakan oleh Google Cloud, termasuk mesin komputasi, jaringan, mesin virtual, dan layanan aplikasi. Melalui kuliah video, demo, dan laboratorium langsung, saya mendapatkan pengalaman praktis menggunakan elemen solusi dan mengkonfigurasi jaringan virtual dengan virtual private cloud (VPC), proyek, jaringan, subnetwork, alamat IP, rute, dan aturan firewall. Saya juga belajar tentang peran arsitek cloud dan pendekatan untuk desain infrastruktur.
Kamis, 23 Maret 2023
Hari ini, saya menghabiskan lebih dari 8 jam untuk belajar mandiri menggunakan platform Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB), dengan fokus pada kursus, “Preparing for Your Associate Cloud Engineer Journey”. Saya belajar cara menyusun persiapan saya untuk ujian Associate Cloud Engineer dan membuat rencana studi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan domain saya. Kursus ini mencakup domain Google Cloud yang termasuk dalam ujian, memberikan wawasan berharga tentang apa yang diharapkan dan bagaimana cara terbaik mempersiapkan sertifikasi.
Jumat, 24 Maret 2023
Hari ini, saya menghadiri dua acara virtual. Pertama, saya bergabung dengan sesi, “Weekly Consultation – 5” yang dipimpin oleh mentor kami, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya. Topik sesi adalah tentang berbagi cerita yang terkait dengan kampus/universitas kami masing -masing, yang menarik dan menginspirasi untuk mendengar dari teman sekelas dengan latar belakang yang beragam. Kedua, saya menghadiri sesi “[Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #4” on “Breaking Down KMM: Exploring Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile for Beginners” by Veronica Putri Anggraini (Software Engineer – eWIDEPLUS) Melalui Bangkit Academy Youtube channel. Sesi ini memberi saya wawasan berharga untuk menggunakan Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) untuk membangun mobile applications.
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Weekly Consultation – 5 |
Minggu ke-7 (27 – 31 Maret 2023)
Minggu ini, saya berpartisipasi dalam berbagai kegiatan yang terkait dengan cloud computing, terutama di Google Cloud. Kegiatan pertama adalah sesi, “ILT-CC-03-AF Build Great Solutions with Compute and Network Services in Google Cloud”, yang merupakan sesi teknis wajib untuk cloud computing. Sesi ini dipimpin oleh instruktur kami, Ridha Ginanjar, dan diadakan melalui Google Meet. Selama sesi, saya mengajukan pertanyaan yang terkait dengan Kubernetes, dan instruktur memberikan penjelasan yang komprehensif, yang membantu saya memahami Kubernetes Engine.
Saya juga menghadiri dan mengikuti kegiatan “Google Cloud Technical Series”, yang berlangsung dua hari. Pelatihan hari pertama difokuskan pada Google Cloud Fundamentals dan Data Cloud & Analytics, sedangkan pelatihan hari kedua berpusat di sekitar pembelajaran Machine Learning / AI dan Application Modernisation. Pelatihan ini dibagi menjadi beberapa segmen, termasuk sambutan dan pengenalan, sorotan pelanggan, sesi komunitas pengembang, sorotan pada GKE, dan banyak lagi. Saya mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang topik -topik ini setelah menghabiskan hampir 255 menit di setiap sesi pelatihan.
Sebagai bonus dari menghadiri Google Cloud Technical Series, saya berpartisipasi dalam Cloud Hero Challenge, tantangan online yang menguji pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang terkait dengan Google Cloud. Saya menyelesaikan serangkaian tugas berbasis cloud dan menunjukkan keterampilan saya yang baru diperoleh, mendapatkan beberapa badges Google Cloud Computing, termasuk Cloud Hero Infra Skills, Cloud Hero DevOps Skills, Cloud Hero ML API Skills, dan Cloud Hero BigQuery Skills.
Terlepas dari kegiatan-kegiatan itu, saya juga menghadiri Weekly Consultation #6 yang dipimpin oleh mentor kami, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya. Topik untuk konsultasi minggu ini adalah tambahan Soft-Skills – Professional Digital Branding (CV & Resume), yang didasarkan pada survei kelas CC-63 sebelumnya. Selama sesi, saya mendapatkan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang cara membuat CV yang baik untuk mendukung branding digital profesional.
Terakhir, saya menghadiri sesi [Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #5, yang menampilkan Angie Sasmita, seorang insinyur senior Android. Dia berbagi jalur kariernya dan memberikan wawasan tentang cara membangun karier di bidang teknik. Sesi diadakan di saluran YouTube Bangkit Academy.
Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan minggu ini membantu saya meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan saya yang terkait dengan cloud computing, khususnya di Google Cloud.
Kegiatan harian pada Minggu ke-7 (27 – 31 Maret 2023)
Senin, 27 Maret 2023
Hari ini, saya menghadiri “ILT-CC-03-AF Build Great Solutions with Compute and Network Services in Google Cloud” melalui Google Meet. Sesi teknis cloud computing ini wajib dan dipimpin oleh instruktur Ridha Ginanjar. Selama sesi, saya bertanya tentang Kubernetes dan hubungannya dengan aplikasi yang dimasukkan dan sistem operasi infrastruktur yang mendasarinya. Instruktur Ridha memberikan penjelasan yang komprehensif, dan saya mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang Kubernetes Engine.
Selasa, 28 Maret 2023
Hari ini, saya menghadiri hari pertama “Google Cloud Technical Series,” yang berfokus pada “Google Cloud Fundamentals dan Data Cloud & Analytics”. Pelatihan ini mencakup beberapa sesi yang mencakup topik-topik seperti optimasi beban kerja infrastruktur, lampu sorot pelanggan, analisis cloud, dan arsitektur yang digerakkan oleh acara. Setelah hampir 255 menit pelatihan, pemahaman saya tentang dasar -dasar Google Cloud dan Data Cloud & Analytics telah meningkat.
Rabu, 29 Maret 2023
Hari ini, saya menghadiri hari kedua “Google Cloud Technical Series,” yang berfokus pada “Pembelajaran Mesin Terapan / AI dan modernisasi aplikasi”. Pelatihan ini mencakup beberapa sesi yang mencakup topik-topik seperti AI generatif, AI-UX, visi komputer, rantai pasokan perangkat lunak yang aman, dan integrasi aplikasi kode rendah. Setelah hampir 255 menit pelatihan, pemahaman saya tentang pembelajaran mesin terapan / AI dan modernisasi aplikasi telah meningkat.
Kamis, 30 Maret 2023
Hari ini, saya berpartisipasi dalam tantangan online untuk menguji pengetahuan dan keterampilan saya tentang Google Cloud. “Cloud Hero Challenge” adalah tambahan bonus untuk pelatihan “Google Cloud Technical Series” yang saya hadiri selama dua hari terakhir. Tantangannya terdiri dari serangkaian tugas berbasis cloud yang memungkinkan saya untuk menunjukkan keterampilan saya yang baru diperoleh dan mendapatkan lencana keterampilan. Saya berhasil menyelesaikan semua tantangan dan mendapatkan beberapa lencana keterampilan Google Cloud Computing, termasuk keterampilan infra Cloud Hero, keterampilan Cloud Hero DevOps, keterampilan Cloud Hero ML API, dan keterampilan Cloud Hero BigQuery, yang sekarang tercermin pada profil GCSB saya.
Jumat, 31 Maret 2023
Hari ini, saya menghadiri “Konsultasi Mingguan – 6” yang dipimpin oleh mentor kami Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya. Topiknya adalah “Soft -Skills tambahan – Branding Digital Profesional (CV & Resume)” dan saya mendapatkan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang cara membuat CV dan resume yang baik. Saya juga menghadiri sesi pembicara tamu “[non-mandator] 2023 Sesi pembicaraan #5” pada “berbagi karier dari perspektif insinyur” oleh Angie Sasmita (insinyur senior Android) melalui saluran YouTube Bangkit.
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Konsultasi Mingguan – 6 |
Minggu ke-8 (03 – 07 April 2023)
This week, I have been actively engaged in various learning activities. I spent many hours studying the “Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals [update]” and “Digital Transformation with Google Cloud” courses on the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) platform. These courses helped me to deepen my understanding of cloud computing, its basics, big data, machine learning, and where and how Google Cloud fits in. Through these courses, I was able to articulate these concepts and demonstrate some hands-on skills.
In addition to the courses, I also attended a mandatory soft skill learning session titled “ILT-SS-04-CA Adaptability and Resilience” on Google Meet. Our instructor, Kak Tia Dwi Setiani, led the session and taught us about the 5 Ways to adapt, namely how to interact, achieve, learn, work, and think. By embracing these five ways of adaptation, I learned how to be adaptable and resilient in different aspects of my life.
Furthermore, I participated in the “Weekly Consultation – 7” session led by our mentor, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya. The topic of the session was “Digital Awareness – The Essence of Password & Digital Privacy,” which provided a comprehensive understanding of the importance of password and digital privacy.
Overall, this week’s activities have been beneficial in enhancing my knowledge and skills in cloud computing, digital transformation, soft skills, and digital awareness. I believe these skills will be valuable in my future endeavors.
Daily activities for Week 8 (April 03-07, 2023):
Monday, April 3, 2023
Today, I spent approximately 8 hours engaging in self-study on the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) platform. The course material for the day was “Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals [update]”. Through this self-study, I deepened my understanding of cloud computing basics, big data, machine learning, and where Google Cloud fits into this space.
The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are designed for individuals with little to no experience in cloud computing. Upon completing the series of courses, learners will be able to articulate these concepts and demonstrate some hands-on skills. The courses should be completed in the following order:
- Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals
- Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud
- Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud
- Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud
Overall, today’s self-study session helped me make progress towards completing the series of courses and achieving a better understanding of cloud computing concepts.
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Today, I attended the mandatory soft skills training session “ILT-SS-04-CA Adaptability and Resilience” via Google Meet, led by our instructor, Kak Tia Dwi Setiani. During the session, I learned about the 5 Ways to adapt in terms of interaction, achievement, learning, work, and thinking.
Participating in the Bangkit 2023 program has taught me to be adaptable and resilient in various aspects of my life. By embracing these five ways of adaptation, I have gained valuable skills and experiences that will help me overcome future challenges.
Overall, today’s session was informative and provided me with practical skills that I can use to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Today, I spent approximately 8 hours engaging in self-study on the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) platform. The course material for the day was “Digital Transformation with Google Cloud”.
The course provided an overview of cloud technology and digital transformation, including the types of opportunities and challenges that companies often face in their digital transformation journey. The course also highlighted the ways in which cloud technology can help organizations and how individuals can excel in their roles to help build the future of their business.
If you’re interested in learning about cloud technology and digital transformation, then this introductory course is a great starting point. This course is part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, and it can help you gain valuable knowledge and skills to stay competitive in the rapidly changing digital landscape.
Overall, today’s self-study session was informative and helped me make progress towards completing the Cloud Digital Leader learning path.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Today, I attended the “Weekly Consultation – 7” session led by our mentor, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya. The topic for this week’s consultation was “Digital Awareness – The Essence of Password & Digital Privacy”.
During the session, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the importance of password security and digital privacy. This topic was selected based on the results of a poll conducted among the participants of the CC-63 class.
Overall, the session was informative and helped me gain valuable insights into the importance of digital security. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn from our mentor and fellow classmates, and I look forward to applying this knowledge in my personal and professional life.
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Weekly Consultation – 7 |
Friday, April 7, 2023
Today is a national holiday, so there were no official activities to attend. However, I managed to spend a few hours reviewing the course materials from previous sessions. As there were no significant achievements, I tried to make the most of this day off by spending time with my family.
Week 9 (10 – 14 April 2023)
This week, I attended several activities organized by Bangkit Academy. The first one was the “Mandatory Bangkit 2023 H1 – Student Team Meeting 2,” which was broadcast live on the Bangkit Academy YouTube channel. This session is mandatory for all Bangkit 2023 H1 Cohort, and it lasted for about two hours or exactly 115 minutes. During the session, the Bangkit 2023 team provided important information regarding the progress of activities at the academy until the period of 10 April 2023. They also discussed future agendas related to the Capstone project, including the things that need to be prepared and other information related to the project. Moreover, on this day, each student formed their own Capstone team.
The next activity was the “Company Expose: Evomo, DANA,” which was also broadcast live on the Bangkit Academy YouTube channel. During this session, technical explanations and exposure were provided by two companies, Evomo (a subsidiary of PT. Telkom Indonesia) and DANA, regarding their respective company-based Capstone projects. The cases offered by DANA were (1) [C23-QR] QR Payment Merchant App, with a team composition of 3 Mobile Development and (2) [C23-FD] Fraud Detection, with a team composition of 3 Machine Learning and 1 Cloud Computing. Meanwhile, the case offered by Evomo was (1) [C23-CT] Counting Total Production, Reject, and Rework, with a team composition of 1 Machine Learning and 2 Mobile Development.
The third activity was the “Company Expose: Wowrack, Toko Dizital, Nusantara Beta Studio, Fishku,” which was also broadcast live on the Bangkit Academy YouTube channel. This session included technical explanations and exposure from four companies regarding their company-based Capstone projects. The cases offered by Wowrack Indonesia were (1) [C23-CR] CLOUDRAYA Mobile App, with a team composition of 2 Machine Learning, 2 Cloud Computing, and 2 Mobile Development, (2) [C23-FM] Forces Mobile App, with a team composition of 1 Cloud Computing and 2 Mobile Development, and (3) [C23-IT] IoT, with a team composition of 3 Machine Learning and 1 Cloud Computing. PT Toko Dizital Teknologi offered (1) [C23-AP] Plant Disease Detector Application, with a team composition of 2 Machine Learning, 2 Cloud Computing, and 3 Mobile Development. Nusantara Beta Studio offered (1) [C23-DH] Development of HR Application, with a team composition of 2 Machine Learning, 3 Cloud Computing, and 3 Mobile Development, while Fishku offered (1) [C23-OS] Optimize Seller App, with a team composition of 3 Machine Learning.
Additionally, I attended the “Weekly Consultation 8 – CC-63,” which was led by our mentor Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya. Lastly, I participated in the “ILT-CC-04-BG Store Your Data Without Worry in Google Cloud,” which was a replacement session for the “ILT-CC-04-AQ Store Your Data Without Worry in Google Cloud” that I missed on Wednesday, 12 April 2023. This session was led by our instructor, Kak Pahlevi Fikri Auliya.
In conclusion, the activities conducted by Bangkit Academy this week provided valuable insights and information regarding the Capstone project. It was helpful to learn about the cases and their respective team compositions, which will be useful in forming our own Capstone teams.
Daily activities for Week 9 (April 10-14, 2023):
Monday, April 10, 2023
Today, I attended the “[Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 H1 – Student Team Meeting 2” via the Bangkit Academy Youtube channel. This session was mandatory for all Bangkit 2023 H1 cohort and lasted for approximately 2 hours or precisely 115 minutes. The meeting provided important information regarding the progress of activities in the Bangkit Academy up to period April 10, 2023. All materials and information were delivered by the “Bangkit 2023” team. In addition, the meeting also discussed future plans for the Capstone project, which included things to prepare and other relevant information. Furthermore, today marked the start of the formation of Capstone teams by individual students.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Today, I attended the “Company Expose: Evomo, DANA” session via the Bangkit Academy Youtube channel. This technical explanation and expose session focused on Company-based Capstone projects. Two companies presented their cases today: Evomo (a subsidiary of PT. Telkom Indonesia) and DANA.
After the session, I learned about the cases offered by the two companies for completion through the Capstone project. DANA (1) presented the [C23-QR] QR Payment Merchant App, requiring a team composition of 3 Mobile Development. DANA (2) presented the [C23-FD] Fraud Detection, requiring a team composition of 3 Machine Learning and 1 Cloud Computing. Evomo presented the [C23-CT] Counting Total Production, Reject, and Rework, requiring a team composition of 1 Machine Learning and 2 Mobile Development.
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Today, I attended the “Company Expose” event through Bangkit Academy’s Youtube channel. Four companies, namely Wowrack, Toko Dizital, Nusantara Beta Studio, and Fishku presented their project capstone cases. I couldn’t attend another session due to my office work, but I got permission to attend the replacement session. From the “Company Expose” session, I gained insights into the cases presented by the four companies. Wowrack Indonesia presented three cases: CLOUDRAYA Mobile App, Forces Mobile App, and IoT. PT Toko Dizital Teknologi presented the application for detecting plant diseases. Nusantara Beta Studio presented the development of HR application. Meanwhile, Fishku presented two cases: Optimize Seller App and Build App To Collect Data.
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Today, I attended the “Weekly Consultation 8 – CC-63” led by our mentor Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya. The session focused on “Capstone Project – Team Intro & Preparation,” and I gained comprehensive insights into team formation and project preparation. Additionally, I joined the “Company Expose: Dicoding, AMATI, PukulEnam” via Bangkit Academy’s YouTube channel. The session explained the technical aspects and capstone project exposure of three companies, namely Dicoding, AMATI, and PukulEnam. I learned about the challenges offered by each company and their respective team compositions for the project. This information will help me make an informed decision while selecting a company for the capstone project.
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Weekly Consultation 8 – CC-63 |
Friday, April 14, 2023
Today, I attended the “ILT-CC-04-BG Store Your Data Without Worry in Google Cloud” session as a replacement for the missed “ILT-CC-04-AQ Store Your Data Without Worry in Google Cloud” session. The session was led by our instructor, Kak Pahlevi Fikri Auliya. In the session, I learned about various data management services in the Google Cloud Platform and gained technical understanding on how to create, connect, and interact with database solutions in the platform.
Week 10 (April 17-21, 2023)
This week, I attended two live sessions on the Bangkit Academy YouTube channel, namely “Capstone Product-based Presentation Theme #1 – Sustainable Living” and “Capstone Product-based Presentation Theme #2 – Education, Learning, and Personal Development”. During the first session, I learned about sustainable living from Viringga Kusuma, the founder of AMATI Indonesia, and Rosita, the founder of GAWIREA. They provided valuable insights on “Capstone Product-based” ideas that could be developed under this theme. Similarly, in the second session, Arfiandwi, the Chief Learning Officer at Dicoding Indonesia, shared ideas on “Capstone Product-based” projects that could be developed under the “Education, Learning, and Personal Development” theme.
Apart from these live sessions, I spent around 24 hours on the Google Cloud Skills Boost platform. During this time, I focused on three modules: “Baseline: Data, ML, AI,” “Innovating with Data and Google Cloud,” and “Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud”. Through these modules, I gained a deeper understanding of big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, and how cloud technology can be used to modernize traditional IT infrastructure.
In conclusion, this week’s activities allowed me to learn about sustainable living and education, learning, and personal development through the Bangkit Academy’s live sessions. I also enhanced my skills in cloud computing and data management through the Google Cloud Skills Boost platform. These activities have helped me to better prepare for the upcoming “Capstone Project” that I will be working on with my team.
Daily activities for Week 10 (April 17-21, 2023):
Monday, April 17, 2023
Today, I attended the “Capstone Product-based Presentation Theme #1 – Sustainable Living” session via the Bangkit Academy YouTube channel. The session featured two speakers, Viringga Kusuma, Founder of AMATI Indonesia, and Rosita, Founder of GAWIREA. During the session, I learned about various “Capstone Product-based” projects related to sustainable living, including relevant products that can be developed under this theme. Overall, it was a productive and informative session for the Bangkit 2023 H1 Cohort.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Today, I attended the “Capstone Product-based Presentation Theme #2 – Education, Learning, and Personal Development” via Bangkit Academy’s Youtube channel. The session featured Arfiandwi, the Chief Learning Officer at Dicoding Indonesia, who shared insights on the theme. From the presentation, I learned about the relevant “Capstone Product-based” that can be developed under the Education, Learning, and Personal Development theme. This information will be useful for my project.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Today, I completed an 8-hour self-study session on the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) platform, focusing on the “Baseline: Data, ML, AI” material. This quest helped me deepen my understanding of big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, which are currently hot computing topics. Through GCSB, I was able to take my first steps in using user-friendly Google Cloud services such as Big Query, Cloud Speech API, and AI Platform. It was recommended to have earned a Badge by completing the hands-on labs in the Getting Started – Create and Manage Cloud Resources Quest before beginning.
Thursday, April 2023
Today, I spent about 8 hours doing self-study on the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) platform with the “Innovating with Data and Google Cloud” course. Through this course, I deepened my understanding of the role of data in digital transformation and the importance of a data-driven culture. I also identified common Google Cloud solutions for data management and smart analytics, as well as Google Cloud’s solutions for Machine Learning and AI. The course also covered technical concepts such as structured and unstructured data, database, data warehouse, and data lakes, and introduced me to the most common and fastest-growing Google Cloud products around data.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Today, I spent around 8 hours on self-study through the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) platform, focusing on “Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud”. This course highlights the benefits of infrastructure and app modernization with reference to cloud technology. It differentiates between virtual machines, containers, and Kubernetes, and explains the Google Cloud solutions that help businesses to manage their systems better, such as App Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine. Additionally, I learned how Google Cloud solutions support app modernization and simplify API management. The course also covered a range of Google Cloud solutions, such as Compute Engine, App Engine, and Apigee, that can help businesses modernize their systems. This is the third course in the Cloud Digital Leader series, and I am looking forward to enrolling in the Understanding Google Cloud Security and Operations course.
Week 11 (24 – 28 April 2023)
This week, even though it was still during the Eid holiday, I had to complete the formation of a team for the Project Capstone that had to be submitted no later than April 26, 2023. My team was still lacking one person from the Mobile Development (MD) path. I coordinated with my teammates in the Capstone team regarding the finalization of the valid team formation.
We also had a meeting and brainstorming session with the complete Capstone team to discuss various things related to the project, including the project title, theme, project management, and more. Together, we completed the form that had to be submitted that day, namely “[Bangkit 2023] – Submission Grup Capstone Project Product-based”. This form contains team member data, including things specifically related to our priority mentoring needs.
In addition, I also filled out the “[Bangkit 2023] Bi-Weekly Feedback from Students to Mentor” survey form, as requested by the Bangkit Team. I also checked all the tasks that had been completed and not yet completed because it was the Cut-off date: Monthly Milestone 2. After checking, all the tasks had been completed as required in Milestone 2. I also followed and listened to the Validation Team announcement from the Bangkit Team.
Overall, I was able to add a new member to the Capstone team from the MD path, so our team was finally formed with six members as required. We agreed on several things related to the project capstone that we will work on as a team, including the project title, theme, and even some suggestions for the product name. We also managed to submit the required forms and successfully passed the validation process for Milestone 2. Now, I am officially part of the Capstone team with the ID: C23-PS369.
Daily activities for Week 11 (April 24-28, 2023):
Monday, April 24, 2023
Although still on Eid al-Fitr holiday, I had to finalize the team formation for the Project Capstone that must be submitted by April 26th, 2023 at the latest. My team still lacked one person from the Mobile Development (MD) path.
Today, I coordinated with my Capstone team members to finalize the team formation, and I managed to recruit one new member from the MD path. As a result, the Capstone team is now complete with six members, as required. Achievement for today: completed the team formation.
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Capstone team with the ID: C23-PS369 (Ornaman Team) |
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Today, I had a meeting with my complete Capstone team to discuss various matters related to the Project Capstone, including the project title, theme, project management, and so on.
We had a productive discussion and managed to agree on several things regarding the project, including the project title and theme. We also discussed potential product names and gathered several proposals.
Achievement for today: finalized several aspects of the Project Capstone that will be worked on by the complete Capstone team.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Today, together with my Capstone team, we completed the required form, “[Bangkit 2023] – Submission Grup Capstone Project Product-based,” which needed to be submitted today. The form contains team member data, including specific information related to our priority mentoring needs.
We managed to submit the form on time, according to the predetermined schedule. Achievement for today: successfully submitted the required form for the Project Capstone.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
“Today, I filled out the survey form, “[Bangkit 2023] Bi-Weekly Feedback from Students to Mentor,” which is used to enhance the mentor’s role and mentoring process. The survey aims to provide constructive feedback that will help improve the mentoring experience for the Bangkit 2023 program.
I managed to submit the survey form as requested by the Bangkit team. Achievement for today: submitted the required survey form to provide feedback on the mentorship experience in the Bangkit 2023 program.
Friday, April 28, 2023
Today, I checked all the completed and pending tasks as today is the Cut-off date: Monthly Milestone 2. After verifying that all the tasks were completed, I ensured that they met the requirements of Milestone 2.
Furthermore, I followed and read the announcements from the Validation Team of the Bangkit Team. As a result, I received the news that our Capstone team, submitted on April 26th, was declared valid. As a member of the team, I was assigned an ID: C23-PS369.
Achievement for today: Successfully completed all the required tasks for Milestone 2 and received validation for our Capstone team submission.
Week 12 (01 – 05 May 2023)
This week, I attended several activities related to the Bangkit 2023 program. The first activity was a meeting with the Capstone team to discuss and prepare the “Project Plan for Bangkit 2023 Product-based Capstone” document following the format provided by the Bangkit team. We successfully drafted the document, including the name of the product we will create, and it will be finalized by May 5, 2023.
I also attended the “Capstone Product-based Presentation Theme #3 – SME/UMKM Empowerment” session, which provided valuable information for our Capstone project. The session was optional for all Bangkit 2023 H1 Cohort members, and the speakers were Rendra Toro (Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Technology Consultant) and Fira Karinsha (AVP Strategic Planning and Partnerships).
The next two sessions I attended were “Capstone Product-based Presentation Theme #4 – Water, Forest, and Natural Resources” and “Capstone Product-based Presentation Theme #5 – Ocean & Maritime Economy”. These sessions had Norika Maurin (Public Engagement Campaign – GreenpaceID) and Ecosense as speakers, respectively. The information I gained from these sessions will also be useful for our Capstone project.
During the “Weekly Consultation 9 – CC-63,” led by our mentor Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit), we shared our progress on the Capstone project and talked about our experiences during the recent Eid al-Fitr holiday. We also finalized and submitted the “Project Plan for Bangkit 2023 Product-based Capstone” document.
In addition, I attended the “[Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #7” on the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. The session was about “Opportunities and Advancement for Women in Tech” by Fibriyani Elastria (Chief Marketing Officer – Pinhome, ex GoPay, ex Google), and it was very informative.
Finally, I attended the “ILT-SS-05-DS Project Management” session, which was led by our instructor, Ahmad Khoirul Sholeh Prawiranegara. The session provided a basic understanding of Project Management, the five stages of Project Management, and the important aspects for a project’s success.
Overall, this week was productive, and I gained valuable knowledge that will help me with our Capstone project.
Daily activities for Week 12 (May 01-05, 2023):
Monday, May 1, 2023
Today, I attended and participated in a meeting with my Capstone team to discuss and draft the Project Plan for Bangkit 2023 Product-based Capstone, document according to the format provided by the Bangkit team. We successfully created a draft plan, including the agreed-upon product name. The document will be finalized no later than May 5th, 2023.
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Today, I attended the “Capstone Product-based Presentation Theme #3 – SME/UMKM Empowerment,” an optional session for all Bangkit 2023 H1 Cohort. The speakers were Rendra Toro, a Technology Consultant at Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, and Fira Karinsha, AVP of Strategic Planning and Partnerships. After the session, I gained valuable insights about “Theme #3 – SME/UMKM Empowerment,” which will be beneficial for our project capstone.
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Today, I attended two Capstone Product-based presentations. The first one was on “Theme #4 – Water, Forest, and Natural Resources” with speakers Norika Maurin from GreenpaceID and Ecosense. The second one was on “Theme #5 – Ocean & Maritime Economy” with Fishku as the speaker. Both presentations provided valuable information that will be useful for our project capstone.
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Today, I attended the “Weekly Consultation 9 – CC-63” led by our mentor, Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). During the session, we shared stories about our recent holiday and updated each other on the progress of our project capstone. Later, my Capstone team and I finalized the “Project Plan for Bangkit 2023 Product-based Capstone” document according to the format provided by the Bangkit team. We successfully submitted the document through the provided form.
Friday, May 5, 2023
Today, I attended the “Non-Mandatory Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #7” on the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. The session discussed “Opportunities and Advancement for Women in Tech” by Fibriyani Elastria, the CMO of Pinhome and former executive of GoPay and Google. I also attended the “ILT-SS-05-DS Project Management” session, where our instructor, Kak Ahmad Khoirul Sholeh Prawiranegara, taught us the basics of project management, including the five stages of project management and important aspects for project success.
Week 13 (08 – 12 May 2023)
Throughout this week, I engaged in various activities that enhanced my knowledge and skills. I attended the “ILT-CC-05-AD Simplify Your Life with Automation and Operation Services in Google Cloud” session on Google Meet, led by our instructor, Kak William Wijaya. During this session, I gained insights into implementing solutions using the Google Cloud Marketplace, applying resources through infrastructure as code, and utilizing Google Cloud’s operation suite to monitor and log Cloud Infrastructure and applications.
Additionally, I reviewed the material titled “Spoken Correspondence: Phone and Video Conferencing” in the “ILT-EN-01-057 Spoken Correspondence” class. This review provided me with a comprehensive understanding of important factors to consider in telephone and video conferencing platforms, appropriate usage, and effective participation in conference meetings.
Furthermore, I successfully completed the “Quest” titled “Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud” on the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) platform. This quest enlightened me about multiple deployment methods for applications, including exploring IAM roles, managing project access, creating VPC networks, deploying and monitoring Compute Engine VMs, writing SQL queries, deploying and monitoring VMs in Compute Engine, and utilizing Kubernetes for application deployment with various approaches.
Moreover, I actively participated in the “Weekly Consultation 10 – CC-63” session led by our mentor, Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). The focus of the consultation was on discussing our living environments, sharing personal experiences, and rating our respective environments. This interactive session allowed us to understand each other’s living conditions within the class.
Lastly, I attended the “[Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #8” on the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. The session centered around the pathway of “Capstone Project Success: Financial Projection,” delivered by Cindy Himawan, an SAP Consultant and Lecturer at Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa. This session broadened my understanding of creating effective financial plans to ensure the smooth execution of planned projects without encountering financial constraints.
Overall, this week was filled with valuable learning experiences and practical knowledge that will contribute to my personal and professional growth.
Daily activities for Week 13 (May 08-12, 2023):
Monday, May 8, 2023
Today, I attended the “ILT-CC-05-AD Simplify Your Life with Automation and Operation Services in Google Cloud” session via Google Meet. Our instructor, Kak William Wijaya, led the session. Through this session, I gained an understanding of how to implement solutions using Google Cloud Marketplace, how to apply resources through infrastructure as code and how to recognize Google Cloud’s operation suite to monitor and log Cloud Infrastructure and its applications.
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Today, I reviewed the material titled “Spoken Correspondence: Phone and Video Conferencing” in the class “ILT-EN-01-057 Spoken Correspondence”. I achieved the following: (1) gained an understanding of identifying important factors to consider in telephone and video conferencing platforms, (2) acquired knowledge about the appropriate use of telephone and video conferencing platforms, and (3) developed the ability to effectively participate in phone and video conference meetings.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Today, I worked on and completed the “Quest” titled “Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud” on the “Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB)” platform. I earned a skill badge upon finishing the mission. During this mission, I gained an understanding of multiple ways to deploy and monitor applications, including exploring IAM roles, managing project access, creating VPC networks, deploying and monitoring Compute Engine VMs, writing SQL queries, deploying and monitoring VMs in Compute Engine, and deploying applications using Kubernetes with various deployment approaches.
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Today, I attended and participated in the “Weekly Consultation 10 – CC-63” agenda. The session was led by our Mentor, Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). The focus of this week’s consultation was on the “Living Environment”. Kak Adit guided us to share our individual stories and rate our respective environments. For approximately 165 minutes, we gained mutual understanding about each member’s environment within the class.
Friday, May 12, 2023
Today, I attended the “[Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #8” via the “Bangkit Academy” YouTube platform. The session focused on the pathway of “Capstone Project Success: Financial Projection” by Cindy Himawan, who is a SAP Consultant and Lecturer at Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa. During the session, I gained new insights and understanding regarding the importance of financial planning for a successful capstone project, ensuring that our planned project and execution are not hindered by financial constraints.
Week 14 (15 – 19 May 2023)
Throughout this week, I participated in various activities that contributed to my learning and development. First, I attended the [Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 H1 – Student Team Meeting 3 via the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. The session covered important topics such as Preparation for Career Fair, Expert Class & Google Certification, Capstone Update, and Cohort Update. It provided valuable insights into the upcoming events and progress within our cohort.
Additionally, I engaged in the Weekly Consultation 11 – CC-63 led by our mentor, Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). This week’s consultation focused on Perform Digital Presentation. Under Kak Adit’s guidance, we spent around 75 minutes deepening our understanding of delivering effective and impactful digital presentations.
Moreover, I attended the ILT-EN-02-072 Expressing Opinions English session facilitated by Mr. Stephen Hilsum. This mandatory class centered around the topic of expressing opinions. The session was not only informative but also engaging, as it incorporated interactive games to enhance our comprehension of the subject.
In the ILT-SS-06-CW Professional Communications and Networking session, led by Kak Robertus Novianto Wibowo, we delved into the realms of professional communications and networking. I gained insights into effective communication strategies and the importance of building networks for personal and professional growth.
Despite it being a holiday, I devoted time to reviewing the materials learned throughout the week. Additionally, I completed the assignment for the ILT-SS-06-CW Professional Communications and Networking class, which involved creating a video related to the course content. I submitted the video before the deadline through the provided assignment form.
Finally, I joined the [Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #9 on the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. The session, presented by Alamsyah, a Partner Solution Consultant at Google Cloud, explored the topic of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Why Cloud Engineers Need to Know It. I gained a deeper understanding of infrastructure provisioning, the impact of technology, and the implementation of Infrastructure as Code.
Overall, this week’s achievements encompassed gaining valuable insights on various topics, enhancing communication skills, completing assignments, and expanding knowledge on infrastructure and cloud engineering.
Daily activities for Week 14 (May 15-19, 2023):
Monday, May 15, 2023
Today, I attended the [Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 H1 – Student Team Meeting 3 via the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. The agenda covered Preparation for Career Fair, Expert Class & Google Certification, Capstone Update, and Cohort Update. All Bangkit 2023 H1 Cohort members were required to attend. The speakers provided essential insights on the topics.
Later, I participated in the Weekly Consultation 11 – CC-63 guided by our Mentor, Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). This week’s consultation focused on Perform Digital Presentation. Under Kak Adit’s guidance, we spent approximately 75 minutes deepening our understanding of delivering effective and impactful digital presentations.
Overall, today’s achievements included gaining valuable insights from the Student Team Meeting and enhancing our skills through the Weekly Consultation.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Today, I attended the ILT-EN-02-072 Expressing Opinions class, which was an English session focusing on the topic of expressing opinions. Mr. Stephen Hilsum, our English instructor, led the session. This class was mandatory, and switching classes was not allowed.
During the ILT-EN-02-072 Expressing Opinions session, I gained a deep understanding of how to effectively express opinions in English. The session was engaging, as it included interactive games that facilitated my comprehension of the topic.
Overall, today’s achievement involved acquiring valuable insights on expressing opinions in English and enjoying an interactive learning experience.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Today, I attended the ILT-SS-06-CW Professional Communications and Networking session. Kak Robertus Novianto Wibowo served as the instructor for this class. The session focused on the topic of Professional Communications and Networking.
After participating in this session, I gained a comprehensive understanding of conducting professional communications and building effective networks for both personal and professional purposes.
Overall, today’s achievement involved acquiring valuable knowledge on professional communications and networking.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Despite today being a holiday, I dedicated time to reviewing the materials covered in my classes. Additionally, I worked on an assignment for the “ILT-SS-06-CW Professional Communications and Networking” class, which involved creating a video related to the learned content.
Today’s accomplishment includes completing the video assignment before the deadline for uploading it to social media and submitting it through the designated assignment form.
Friday, May 19, 2023
Today, I attended the [Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #9 via the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. The session featured Alamsyah, a Partner Solution Consultant at Google Cloud, who discussed the topic of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Why Cloud Engineers Need to Know It.
During the Guest Speaker Session #9, I gained insights into how infrastructure provisioning used to be and the changes brought by technology. I also learned about Infrastructure as Code and its implementation.
Overall, today’s achievement involved acquiring a deeper understanding of infrastructure provisioning and the significance of Infrastructure as Code for cloud engineers.
Week 15 (22-26 May 2023)
During this week, I engaged in various activities aimed at enhancing my skills and knowledge in the field of cloud computing and software development.
I attended the ILT-CC-06-AA Manage Your Cloud Resources Securely session conducted via Google Meet. Led by our instructor, Kak Ardhan Yoga (Customer Solution Consultant, Google Cloud), the session provided me with a deep understanding of Security Concepts in the Google Cloud Platform and the implementation of Identity and Access Management.
I dedicated approximately 5 hours to self-study on the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) platform, focusing on the Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud material. By completing the associated quest, I gained proficiency in Google Kubernetes Engine, container deployment approaches, and continuous delivery techniques.
I also enrolled in the “Menjadi Google Cloud Architect” class on the Dicoding Academy platform. This week, I covered modules related to Cloud Computing, Google Networking, Google Cloud Platform Regions and Zones, Hierarchical Data Sources on the Google Cloud Platform, and Tips and Tricks for using Google Cloud Platform.
Additionally, I participated in the Weekly Consultation 12 – CC-63 session, guided by our mentor, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). The consultation focused on sharing the progress and venting (curhat) related to our Capstone Projects in the CC-63 class.
To further broaden my knowledge, I attended the [Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #10 through the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. Mr. Sandhika Galih, a renowned lecturer and founder of “Web Programming UNPAS,” discussed the pathway to becoming a better developer, covering the concepts of developer, coder, software developer, software engineer, and essential skills required to excel in the field.
Overall, I achieved a comprehensive understanding of security in the Google Cloud Platform, successfully completed the Kubernetes deployment quest, made progress in the “Menjadi Google Cloud Architect” class, shared insights on my Capstone Project, and gained valuable insights on becoming a better developer.
Daily activities for Week 15 (May 22-26, 2023):
Monday, May 22, 2023
Today, I attended and participated in the ILT-CC-06-AA Manage Your Cloud Resources Securely session. The session was conducted via the Google Meet platform and led by our instructor, Kak Ardhan Yoga (Customer Solution Consultant, Google Cloud).
During the ILT-CC-06-AA Manage Your Cloud Resources Securely session, I gained a deep understanding of the Security Concepts in the Google Cloud Platform and learned how to implement Identity and Access Management in the Google Cloud Platform.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Today, I engaged in self-study activities on the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) platform for approximately 5 hours. The focus of my study was “Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud.
I successfully completed the quest and obtained a proficiency badge by finishing the Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud quest. Throughout this quest, I learned about Google Kubernetes Engine and various deployment approaches. Specifically, I gained knowledge on configuring and creating Docker container images for running and debugging, creating a Kubernetes Engine cluster, managing it using kubectl, and deploying Kubernetes applications through deployment and continuous delivery techniques.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Today, I studied the modules in the “Menjadi Google Cloud Architect” class on the Dicoding Academy platform. I completed several introductory modules, which provided me with an understanding of Cloud Computing, Google Networking, Google Cloud Platform Regions and Zones, the Hierarchy of Data Sources in the Google Cloud Platform, as well as Tips and Tricks for using the Google Cloud Platform.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Today, I attended the Weekly Consultation 12 – CC-63. This session led by our mentor, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). The consultation focused on the Capstone Project – Progress Report & Venting. Kak Adit guided us to share our individual stories and discuss the progress of our Capstone Projects within the CC-63 class.
Friday, May 26, 2023
Today, I attended the [Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #10 on the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. Mr. Sandhika Galih, the lecturer and founder of Web Programming UNPAS, discussed the pathway to Become a Better Developer. The session covered topics such as What is a Developer, What is a Coder, What is a Software Developer, What is a Software Engineer, and How to be a Better Developer. I gained insights into the essential skills required to become a better developer.
Week 16 (May 29 – June 2, 2023)
Throughout this week, I engaged in various activities to enhance my knowledge and skills. Firstly, I attended the “Weekly Consultation 13 – CC-63” session, led by Mentor kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya. We played an educational game together, taking turns drawing objects presented on a game application while others guessed the names. I learned to interpret drawings quickly and accurately, expanding my English language proficiency.
Next, I participated in the “ILT-SS-07-BN Personal Branding and Interview Communication” session, where I acquired insights into building personal branding in the digital era and effective communication techniques for interviews using virtual and video platforms.
Moreover, I joined the “Bangkit Capstone Project Mentoring Session – C23-PS369 #1” with Advisor Mrs. Angie Sasmita, specializing in Tech – Android/Mobile Development. We received valuable feedback and guidance on our capstone project, ensuring we stay on track and continue progressing.
During my self-study time, I focused on the modules of the “Becoming a Google Cloud Architect” course on Dicoding Academy. I covered topics such as Cloud Storage and Databases, Cloud Applications, and Big Data and Machine Learning in the Cloud.
Lastly, I attended the “[Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #11,” where Mega Balqizs, an Agency Relationship Manager at Google, discussed the pathway of “Get them to say: ‘Have you heard about this?'” Additionally, I participated in the “Bangkit Capstone Project Mentoring Session – C23-PS369 #2” with Advisor Kak R. Achmad Dadang Nur Hidayanto, an expert in Tech – Cloud and Back End, Project Management. These sessions provided valuable insights into marketing strategies and guidance on project management, back-end development, and cloud computing for our capstone project.
Overall, this week’s achievements include enhancing my interpretative skills, understanding personal branding in the digital era, progressing on the capstone project, and expanding knowledge in Google Cloud architecture.
Daily activities for Week 16 (May 29-June 02, 2023):
Monday, May 29, 2023
Today, I attended and participated in the Weekly Consultation 13 – CC-63 session led by our Mentor, Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). The chosen topic for this week’s consultation was Gaming Time! – Drawing Contest + Rewards. We played an educational game that challenged our individual intelligence. Guided by Kak Adit, we took turns drawing objects presented by the game application, while others guessed the object’s name. Correct guesses earned us points, and the winner with the highest score received a prize from Kak Adit. During this weekly consultation session, each class member had two turns to draw. Through this game, I learned how to quickly and accurately interpret drawings presented by others, all in English. Broadening our knowledge in various areas enables faster thinking and providing answers.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Today, I attended and participated in the ILT-SS-07-BN Personal Branding and Interview Communication, session led by our instructor, Mrs. Risca Tresmianti Suarna. In this session, I learned about the importance of personal branding in building a future career in the digital era. I gained insights on conducting effective interviews using communication techniques tailored for the digital age. Virtual interviews, video interviews, and social media are closely related to personal branding in the digital era.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Today, I attended and participated in the Bangkit Capstone Project Mentoring Session – C23-PS369 #1 with our advisor, Mrs. Angie Sasmita, who specializes in Tech – Android/Mobile Development. In this session, our group, ID C23-PS369 capstone, received valuable feedback and guidance regarding our ongoing capstone project. According to Kak Angie, our project is on the right track, and we should continue progressing as planned.
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Despite today being a national holiday, I engaged in self-study for the course I am currently taking. I focused on the modules of the “Becoming a Google Cloud Architect” course on the Dicoding Academy platform. Throughout the day, I completed several modules covering topics such as “Google Cloud Infrastructure,” including “Cloud Storage and Databases,” “Cloud Applications,” and “Big Data and Machine Learning in the Cloud”.
Friday, June 02, 2023
Today, I attended the [Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #11 on the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. Mega Balqizs, an Agency Relationship Manager at Google, covered the pathway of “Get them to say: ‘Have you heard about this?'” This session provided valuable insights into marketing strategies. Additionally, I participated in the “Bangkit Capstone Project Mentoring Session – C23-PS369 #2”. Our advisor, Kak R. Achmad Dadang Nur Hidayanto, an expert in Tech – Cloud and Back End, Project Management, provided guidance on our capstone project, focusing on project management, back-end technicalities, and cloud computing.
Week 17 (05 – 09 June 2023)
During the week, I attended the Weekly Consultation 14 – CC-63 session led by our mentor, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit), where we discussed thoughts on the education system. I also worked on daily TODO tasks for the project capstone, spending around 8 hours each day coding the API and backend components using Python. I made steady progress and stored the code in the designated GitHub repository.
In addition, I continued coding the API and backend, focusing on user login and authentication for the Ornaman application in the capstone project. I completed several modules and planned to finish the remaining ones in the upcoming days. I also conducted testing to ensure the functionality of the implemented features.
Furthermore, I attended the [Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #12 on the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. The session covered the importance of storylining and making effective presentations, presented by Marcellius Xavier, a Product Manager at Traveloka.
Overall, it was a productive week. I actively participated in discussions, made significant progress in coding the project capstone, and gained valuable insights into presentation skills.
Daily activities for Week 17 (June 05-09, 2023):
Monday, June 5, 2023
Today, I attended and participated in the Weekly Consultation 14 – CC-63 session. Our mentor, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit), led the session. The topic of this week’s consultation was “Thoughts on the Education System”. Under Kak Adit’s guidance, we shared our views and engaged in discussions regarding the education system. Each class member expressed their respective perspectives on the education system, with a focus on the Indonesian education system.
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Today, I worked on several daily TODO tasks for my capstone project. Over approximately 8 hours, I focused on coding the API and backend functionalities according to the predetermined job description. Python was the programming language utilized for this task. I gradually wrote the program’s code and saved it in the designated Github repository.
Achievements for today include completing several modules for the API resources related to user login and authentication, which will be utilized in the Ornaman application for the capstone project. The remaining modules are planned to be developed on the following day.
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Today, I continued working on several daily TODO tasks for my capstone project. I dedicated approximately 8 hours to writing program code for the API and backend components, aligning them with the predetermined job description. Gradually, I wrote the program’s code and saved it in the designated Github repository.
Achievements for today include completing additional sections of the advanced modules for the API resources related to user login and authentication. These modules will be utilized in the Ornaman application for the capstone project. The remaining modules are planned to be developed on the following day.
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Today, I worked on several daily TODO tasks for my capstone project while coordinating with other team members. I continued writing program code, building upon the progress made the previous day. Over approximately 8 hours, I focused on coding the API and backend functionalities according to the predetermined job description. I gradually wrote the program’s code, conducted testing, and saved it in the designated Github repository.
Achievements for today include completing additional sections of the advanced modules and performing several tests for the API resources related to user login and authentication. These resources will be integrated into the Ornaman application for the capstone project. The remaining modules are planned to be developed on the following day.
Friday, June 09, 2023
Today, I attended the [Non-Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #12 via the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. The session focused on the pathway of “Storylining & How to Make an Effective Presentation” delivered by Marcellius Xavier, Product Manager at Traveloka.
Achievements for today include gaining an understanding of the importance of presentations through the Guest Speaker Session #12. During this session, I learned how to effectively communicate and convey ideas to others through a well-crafted presentation.
Week 18 (12 – 16 June 2023)
During the week, I participated in the [Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 H1 – Student Team Meeting 4 via the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. The agenda covered various topics, including the “Bangkit 2023 Career Fair,” “Capstone Update,” “Cohort Update,” “Rewards Update,” and “MSIB Final Report”. It was a mandatory session for all members of the Bangkit 2023 H1 Cohort.
In line with the project schedule, I worked on the assigned TODO tasks for the capstone project, specifically for week 4. My focus was on deploying the API, collaborating with my Cloud Computing teammates. We successfully progressed to the deployment stage.
Furthermore, I attended the ILT-EN-03-059 Business Presentation class, led by our English instructor, Michael Date. This session was mandatory and centered around business presentations. We learned effective techniques for delivering presentations in English and engaged in practical exercises, including group simulations and presentations.
Additionally, I joined the Weekly Consultation 15 – CC-63 session, guided by our mentor, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). Alongside my project team, we continued working on the assigned TODO tasks for week 4, as we entered the final phase of the capstone project.
The main focus of the week was completing the final deliverables documentation for the capstone project submission. This included the project brief, presentation slides, application demo video, application files, GitHub repository, and a maximum 10-minute video showcasing the project.
In summary, during the Student Team Meeting 4, we received important updates on the “Bangkit 2023 Career Fair” and other agenda topics. We successfully deployed the API for the Ornaman application on Google Cloud Services. In the ILT-EN-03-059 Business Presentation class, we learned and practiced delivering business presentations in English. During the Weekly Consultation 15, we discussed studying abroad in European Union (EU) countries and achieved our project targets. Lastly, I completed and submitted all the required final deliverables documents before the deadline at 23:00.
Daily activities for Week 18 (June 12-16, 2023):
Monday, June 12, 2023
Today, I attended the [Mandatory] Bangkit 2023 H1 – Student Team Meeting 4, via the Bangkit Academy YouTube platform. This session was compulsory for all members of the Bangkit 2023 H1 Cohort. The meeting covered various agenda items, including “Bangkit 2023 Career Fair,” “Capstone Update,” “Cohort Update,” “Rewards Update,” and “MSIB Final Report”.
Achievements for today include gaining important insights from the speakers during the Student Team Meeting 4. Regarding the Bangkit 2023 Career Fair, it was announced that all graduates would have exclusive access to the fair, which will take place in August. Additionally, crucial information was shared regarding the “Capstone Update,” “Cohort Update,” “Rewards Update,” and “MSIB Final Report.
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Today, I worked on the TODO tasks for my capstone project according to the predetermined schedule, specifically for week 4. At this stage, my teammate from Cloud Computing and I started deploying the built API.
Achievements for today include successfully deploying the API on the Google Cloud Service platform. This enables the consumption of the API by the mobile application being developed for the Ornaman application in our capstone project.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Today, I attended the ILT-EN-03-059 Business Presentation class. The English Session focused on the topic of Business Presentation. Our English Instructor, Michael Date, led the session. This class was mandatory, and changing classes was not allowed.
Achievements for today include learning the essentials of delivering a Business Presentation in English. Alongside fellow cohort members, we engaged in practical exercises, including simulations. Divided into groups, we prepared presentation scripts and delivered them to other groups, gaining valuable experience in the process.
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Today, I attended the Weekly Consultation 15 – CC-63 session led by our mentor, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). I also worked on the TODO tasks for my capstone project according to the predetermined schedule for week 4. We are now in the final phase of the capstone project.
Achievements for today include discussing the topic Study Abroad in European Union (EU) Countries, during the Weekly Consultation 15. My teammates and I have successfully achieved our project targets as planned. Moving forward, we will focus on compiling the necessary documents for the final deliverables, which need to be submitted no later than tomorrow or by June 16th.
Friday, June 16, 2023
Today’s focus was on completing the final deliverables documents for the project capstone submission. The documents included the project brief, presentation slides, application demo video, application file, GitHub repository, and a project capstone video with a maximum duration of 10 minutes.
Achievement of the day: Successfully completed all the final deliverables documents for the project capstone and submitted them before the deadline, which was before 11 PM.
Week 19 (19 – 23 June 2023)
This week, I attended and participated in the regular meeting for the capstone project team. The weekly meetings were held on Monday evenings via the Discord platform. In addition to the team meetings, I also engaged in self-study on the Dicoding platform for the course “Menjadi Google Cloud Architect”.
During my self-study, I dedicated approximately 5 hours to the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) program, focusing on the topic “Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud”. I completed the module on “Container and Kubernetes in the Cloud”.
Achievements of the week:
Capstone Project Team Meeting: We discussed preparations for the upcoming “[C77] Product Capstone Peer Review” scheduled for June 22. We agreed to conduct regular practice sessions starting tomorrow until the review date.
Self-Study in “Menjadi Google Cloud Architect”: I finished the module on “Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud” and earned a proficiency badge. I learned about Google Kubernetes Engine, Docker container configuration and debugging, Kubernetes Engine cluster creation and management using kubectl, and application deployment and continuous delivery techniques.
Presentation Practice for “[C77] Product Capstone Peer Review”: We conducted presentation rehearsals to prepare for the review session. Our presentations met the target duration of under 10 minutes.
“[C77] Product Capstone Peer Review” Session: Eleven capstone groups presented their projects for 10 minutes each. Cohort members provided evaluations through a feedback form.
“Weekly Consultation 16 – CC-63”: The consultation session focused on “Post-Capstone Chit-Chat,” where we shared our post-capstone experiences and stories guided by our mentor, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya.
Additionally, through hands-on practice in the module “Latihan Berinteraksi dengan BigQuery dan Looker Studio”, I gained a deep understanding of querying Billing Data in BigQuery and visualizing it using Looker Studio. Data visualization enhances data comprehension for readers and facilitates data classification.
Daily activities for Week 19 (June 19-23, 2023):
Monday, June 19, 2023
Today, I attended and participated in the regular team meeting for the capstone project. The weekly meeting took place on the Discord platform every Monday evening. In addition to the capstone team meeting, I also engaged in self-study on the Dicoding platform for the “Menjadi Google Cloud Architect” course.
Achievement of the day: During our meeting, we discussed preparations for the [C77] Product Capstone Peer Review, scheduled for June 22. One of the agreements made today was to start implementing regular practice sessions starting tomorrow (Tuesday) until the day of the [C77] Product Capstone Peer Review. In the “Menjadi Google Cloud Architect” course, I completed one module titled “Container dan Kubernetes di Cloud”.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Today, I engaged in self-study activities on the Google Cloud Skills Boost (GCSB) platform for approximately 5 hours, focusing on the topic “Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud”.
Achievement of the day: Completed the mission and earned a proficiency badge by finishing the “Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud” quest. In this quest, I learned about the Google Kubernetes Engine and various deployment approaches, including configuring and building images to run and debug Docker containers, creating Kubernetes Engine clusters, managing them with kubectl, and deploying Kubernetes applications using deployment and continuous delivery techniques.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Today, I attended and participated in the team meeting for the capstone project. The meeting took place on the Discord platform.
Achievement of the day: During our meeting, we conducted presentation practice as part of our preparation for the upcoming [C77] Product Capstone Peer Review on June 22. In the practice session, we successfully delivered a presentation within the target duration of 10 minutes, as per our prepared presentation timeline.
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Today, I attended two important sessions. The first one was the [C77] Product Capstone Peer Review hosted by Mr. Adrianus Yoza. All active team members were required to attend this session on-camera, where 11 groups presented their projects for 10 minutes each. At the end, each cohort filled out a project assessment form.
The second session was the Weekly Consultation 16 – CC-63 led by our mentor, Kak Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). The topic of discussion was “Post-Capstone Chit-Chat”. We shared our individual stories related to the post-capstone experience in our CC-63 class.
Overall, it was a productive day, engaging with peers and mentors to improve our projects and reflect on our capstone journey.
Friday, June 23, 2023
Today, I engaged in self-study on the Dicoding platform for the course “Menjadi Google Cloud Architect”, specifically focusing on the module “Latihan Berinteraksi dengan BigQuery dan Looker Studio”.
Achievements of the day: Through hands-on practice in the “Latihan Berinteraksi dengan BigQuery dan Looker Studio” module, I gained a thorough understanding of querying Billing Data in BigQuery and visualizing it using Looker Studio. Visualizing data is essential for presenting information in a more comprehensible manner to data readers. Additionally, data visualization aids in facilitating the classification of required data.
Week 20 (26-30 June 2023)
Throughout this week, I focused on the following activities. Firstly, I started working on the draft of the MSIB Final Activity Report to be consulted with my class mentor during the weekly consultation meetings or study group sessions. Additionally, I attended the CC-63 (ASG-21) study group, which marked the 21st session in our class.
Building upon the feedback and notes from the previous study group consultation, I continued developing the draft of the MSIB Final Activity Report. Moreover, I actively participated in the CC-63 (ASG-22) study group, which was the 22nd session held in our class.
Despite it being a national holiday, namely Eid al-Adha, I remained dedicated to working on the draft of the MSIB Final Activity Report. My goal was to have the entire draft completed by the following day, June 30, in order to submit it for the endorsement sheet signing process.
Furthermore, I attended the Weekly Consultation 17 – CC-63 session, facilitated by our mentor, Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit). The focus of the consultation was on “Reports & Randoms”. During the session, each member of CC-63 class shared their progress on their respective final reports. We also had discussions and consultations on various relevant topics related to the activities in Bangkit Academy.
Overall, the accomplishments of this week include completing the writing framework, including the title page, for the MSIB Final Activity Report draft. Additionally, during the 21st study group session, guided by Kak Adit, we discussed the development of the MSIB Final Activity Report draft. Valuable inputs and notes were gathered to ensure timely completion of the report. I successfully finished the first chapter of the draft and can now proceed to work on Chapter 2 and subsequent sections. The entire draft of the MSIB Final Activity Report is now ready for submission to the mentor and supervising lecturer for the endorsement sheet signing process.
During the Weekly Consultation 17 session, we focused on “Reports & Randoms” and shared our individual experiences in preparing the final reports. The guidance provided by Kak Adit was invaluable in our consultations. Additionally, we engaged in discussions and consultations on various other relevant topics related to Bangkit Academy.
Daily activities for Week 20 (June 26-30, 2023):
Monday, June 26, 2023
Today, I began working on the draft of the MSIB Final Report document to consult with my class mentor. I completed the writing framework, including the title page, for the draft. The next step is to seek guidance from the mentor during the weekly consultation meeting or the study group session in CC-63 class.
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Today, I attended and actively participated in the CC-63 (ASG-21) study group session. It was the 21st study group session conducted in CC-63 class. During this 255-minute session, guided by our mentor, Kak Adit, my classmates and I discussed the development of the MSIB Final Report draft that I have been working on. Valuable inputs and notes were shared, which will be incorporated into the drafting and finalization process to ensure timely completion of the MSIB Final Report.
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Today, I continued working on the draft of the MSIB Final Activity Report based on the feedback and notes gathered from the previous study group consultation. Additionally, I attended and actively participated in the CC-63 (ASG-22) study group session. This marked the 22nd study group session held in CC-63 class.
I successfully completed the first chapter of the MSIB Final Activity Report draft as per the guidelines. This achievement enables me to proceed with the development of Chapter 2 and subsequent sections in the MSIB Final Activity Report draft.
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Today is a national holiday, namely Eid al-Adha. Despite it being a public holiday, I continued working on the draft of the MSIB Final Report. My goal was to have the entire draft completed today, so that tomorrow, on June 30, it can be submitted for the endorsement sheet signing process.
Achievement of the day: Overall, the draft of the MSIB Final Report has been fully completed and is ready for submission to the mentor and supervising lecturer for the endorsement sheet signing process.
Friday, June 30, 2023
Today, I attended and actively participated in the “Weekly Consultation 17 – CC-63” session. The session was led by our mentor, Aditya Fataha Dwijaya (Kak Adit).
Achievement of the day: During the Weekly Consultation 17 session, the focus of the consultation was on “Reports & Randoms”. Guided by Kak Adit, each member of CC-63 class shared their progress on the final report document. Additionally, we had discussions and consultations on random topics related to the ongoing activities in Bangkit Academy.
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